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Friday, August 2, 2013


When my body grows quiet
and the chatter in my mind subsides,
talked out, like a storm's angry wind
losing its concentration and dispersing
to the corners of the sky--

Friction, that's how we get through life,
whether it's the ground underfoot, the hum of the wheels
or the wind's song in the ears,
gravity's pull on us all, flesh and bone aging
while somewhere the soul is polished,
brought to brightness from this force,
if we're lucky, maybe enough
to reflect, gleaming, burnished, polished,
ground down until shapes emerge, these
prisoners in a crucible we carry all the time.

When the mind quiets and the body speaks,
stories of forbearance, the foundation of this self,
the pilings below the pier, the house's foundation,
stresses of shifting earth, the settling that slows
but never ends, moving the level a fraction off plumb--
Is there ever any true stillness?

This restless flesh, this twitching thing, seen only now
by this quiet, still soul.

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