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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Out of Reach

Bubble wrapped mind, safe but cut off,
this feeling, like I'm embracing
somebody while wearing thick gloves,
like overprotected sex,
this head full of static,
strange motion-stillness,
too many voices, an ocean of them,
indistinct and fleeting, a wave's
roar when I want the articulate,
modulated drops--
there's something between where
my mind is and where
I want it to be--
searching for the bottom
of a murky river--
I'm kept out of the water
by someone or something,
away from the free-swimming ideas--
things just out of reach, like whatever
it was that you returned to the room
to get--
it's like that, even now, with these words
pulled out like slivers, slowly, offering
some relief, but ending there,
an absence, a negative space.

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