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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hard Time

No one tells me what to do,
you tell me no but I do it anyway,
'cuz I'm my own person,
the student says amid the
familiar desks, chairs, windows,
grubby floor tiles. He is a
shape, too: a box in a seating chart,
a check in a column, a lump at a desk,
all hard angles, sounding off
his song that he would swear is
unique in its singular note
of defiance, saying I AM--
the walls and the floors
have heard it all before,
small-room big talk
that rings out and dissipates
like chalk erased into
clouds of choking dust,
shouting it out over others' heads,
brazen morning orator issuing
forth from his rocky outcrop,
this risk-taker, cliff diver,
reckless driver, nothing without
his audience, sycophant circle
minions for each other,
thug-lite insubordination brothers,
soon to be free from this
sentence of kindergarten to twelfth,
hard time on the inside.

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