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Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I've never posted lyrics before, and I'm not sure how they'll hold up without music behind them. I'm still trying to find the right key in which to sing it. Does such a key exist? I still haven't made peace with my voice yet. OK, enough disclaimers...


Long rays at the end of the day
been here so long, the air seems to say
many years, still finding my way
in a world where nothing stays

in between the blue and the black
in between the blue and the black

want to know you like the smell of the rain
like I knew you before you came
more than comfort in my bed
bring some peace to my head

in between the blue and the black
in between the blue and the black

watch the sun as it fades
feel the wind come over the waves
starlight falling, older than sand
walk in the night, take my hand

in between the blue and the black
in between the blue and the black


Jenn said...

Who is she? I want more, more.

steverino said...

I don't really know who she is. I just wanted to write a hopeful song instead of more of the bitter and/or longing stuff. Those tend to be easier, though.

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